STS Pressure Measurement – Competence Platform
Are you interested in staying up to date with new developments and reading about fascinating case studies in the world of sensor technology?
With this competence platform, we share our insights with you.
Accelerate Pressure Measurements with STS Sensors
Pressure sensors are vital in monitoring and controlling the processes of various applications and systems. As a component used in countless applications across industries such as aerospace, water, and oil and gas, pressure sensors provide important insights regarding...
Hydrogen: source of hope
Pressure transmitters with gold-coated stainless steel diaphragms master special gas pressure measurements Many experts are seeing hydrogen as the ideal substitute for coal, oil and natural gas in industry and transport, as it leaves practically no exhaust gases when...
ITER International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor for nuclear fusion
What is ITER? ITER (“The Way” in Latin) is one of the most ambitious energy projects in the world today. In southern France, 35 nations* are collaborating to build the world’s largest tokamak, a magnetic fusion device that has been designed to prove the feasibility of...
CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth)
A CTD – an acronym for conductivity, temperature, and depth – is the primary instrument used to determine the essential physical properties of seawater. It provides scientists with an accurate and comprehensive representation of the distribution and variation of water...
Hydrogen effect on piezo transducers (bio fouling)
BIOFOULING Biofouling or biological fouling is the accumulation of microorganisms, plants, algae or animals on wetted surfaces, devices such as water inlets, pipework, grates, ponds and of course on measuring instruments, causing degradation to the primary purpose of...
Test fixture pressure sensors – Pressure measurement in the aircraft engine compartment
As many engineers have found to their chagrin, dealing with pressure measurements in the engine compartment of an aircraft can be a delicate and frustrating experience. The heat, vibrations, orientation, and a multitude of other factors come into play. So how can we...
Cabin Pressure Testing
Proper cabin pressure is crucial in the aerospace industry. After all, a pilot rendered unconscious from lack of oxygen will not be overly helpful at the controls of a complex aircraft. Therefore, it falls to the engineers to develop a stellar cabin pressure system...
Selecting your pressure sensor: A how-to guide for the aerospace engineer
Devising and creating an aircraft is a daunting task, and no small feat by any means. The endless calculations, designing, simulations, and re-designing seems to be a perpetual process; however, we will eventually reach the milestone of intensive testing! This is a...
Pressure measurement on injection molding machines
Injection molding machines operate at the very highest of precision. The Swiss company Netstal-Maschinen AG offers high-performance and high-precision injection molding machines and system solutions for the beverages, packaging and medical technology industries....
Dependable fill-level control in coal mining
Mine workings and opencast pits are well known for their harsh working conditions. This applies equally to the technology deployed. For this reason, durable and reliable measuring instruments are required to monitor groundwater. Ten percent of worldwide coal deposits...
Pressure measurement in abrasive media using Vulkollan® membranes
Typically, pressure sensors are available in either stainless steel or titanium finishes. In this way, all of the common test bench applications or monitoring tasks are covered. But when it comes to contact with particularly abrasive media, then additional protection...
Pressure peaks in hydraulic systems: A risk to sensors and other equipment
Pressure peaks occur in virtually all gas and liquid-filled pipelines. Those pressures arising in just a few milliseconds can exceed the overload pressure of the pressure transducers employed and also destroy them. Pressure peaks, or very high pressures existing over...
The diesel effect in hydraulic systems: Material damage is the outcome
As the name suggests, the term diesel effect refers to the combustion process in a diesel engine. But it can also be observed in hydraulic systems. In addition to pressure peaks, oil aging, residues and the destruction of seals are the outcomes.The diesel effect...
Accurate pressure measurement is crucial to developing an electric oil pump
Driven by escalating global emissions targets, OEMs are increasingly turning to electrification to reduce fuel consumption and Greenhouse Gas emissions. A popular choice in this regard is the hybrid electric vehicle, often powered by a severely downsized engine. The...
Preventing Corrosion Caused by Aggressive Liquids in the Food Industry
When testing proportional pressure regulators as part of the development of complex hydraulic systems, high impulse capability and precision are required from the pressure measurement sensors employed.Carbonic acid and alcohol can put a strain on measuring equipment....
Testing of proportional pressure regulators in hydraulic systems
When testing proportional pressure regulators as part of the development of complex hydraulic systems, high impulse capability and precision are required from the pressure measurement sensors employed.In the development of new hydraulic systems, in automotive...
Applications of pressure measurement technology in the marine industry
Sensor technology plays an essential role in the maritime sector and most particularly in shipbuilding. The dependable and accurate measurement of pressure, temperature and other variables within various tanks is an important measure in preventing the escape of...
Pressure unlocks Compressed Natural Gas’ potential
Thanks to its very high energy density, compressed natural gas (CNG) is well suited for use as an automotive fuel. CNG has an octane number of approximately 120 and combustion heat of 9,000 to 11,000 kcal/ kg or 38 to 47 MJ/ kg. In addition, the combustion of CNG...
Mud Logging Requires High-Performing, Rugged Pressure Transmitters
The term mud logging refers to the analytical methods that are performed on drilling mud during drilling operations. Powerful and, above all, rugged pressure transmitters are paramount to the process. The words “mud” and "logging" already provide a good, albeit...
Mud Pulse Telemetry: MWD Data Transmission with Pressure Sensors
Hydraulic data transmission requires sensitive pressure sensors capable of enduring high pressures. This is particularly true when used in measurement while drilling (MWD) applications. MWD has become a standard application, especially for offshore directional...
Innovative solutions to pressure sensing in biogas production
Microbiological analysis is an important component of the biogas manufacturing process. In this instance, combined pressure and temperature transmitters from STS are employed. The Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Animal Husbandry at the Bavarian State...
Gas distribution grid monitoring by continuous pressure measurement
The autonomous process loggers from the firm AIRVALVE operate with pressure sensors from STS in monitoring critical points of the gas grid owned by SWK Netze GmbH. The principle applied here affords planning reliability at a comparatively low outlay in its...
Density measurement in gas flow meters
Gas consumption is calculated using gas meters measuring the flow volume. Since the density of gas, and thus its volume also, is both pressure and temperature dependent, the measured quantity can deviate due to the prevailing pressure or temperature. The gas volume,...
Oil prospecting below the seabed
Science has a more accurate picture of the surface of Mars than of the seabed. An exact knowledge of the nature and layout of the ground below water is necessary for a variety of reasons, including shipping safety, research purposes (archaeology, marine studies) and...
Leak integrity implies safety: Pressure measurement of pipelines
Below our feet is a vast, branch-like infrastructure without which commerce and society would cease to function. Millions of kilometers of pipelines transport natural gas, biogas and fresh and waste water from producers to consumers. Especially for those more...
Assured leak testing by relative and absolute pressure methods
Leakages can have fatal consequences. To efficiently design production processes and to prevent costly and image-tarnishing recalls, components need to be tested early within the manufacturing process. Leak testing, for this reason, plays an important role in quality...
The Right Leak Testing Equipment
Many applications have components that must be absolutely leakproof to ensure proper operation. Leak tests are commonly carried out with pressure transducers that have to meet high requirements. Applications and components that have to be leakproof are, amongst...
Could a high-pressure direct-injection hydrogen engine replace the turbodiesel?
Having fallen from grace, the once iconic diesel power unit appears to have run its course. Even cities, such as Paris, that once incentivized the use of diesel are now calling for OEMs to stop production by 2025. Although this is highly unlikely to happen, it is an...
Hydrogen embrittlement in steel
The sensor chip of piezoresistive pressure transducers is usually surrounded by a steel membrane. For the housings of these measuring instruments, stainless steel is also used in most applications. But should contact with hydrogen occur, this material can become...
Lifespan optimization of pressure transmitters in contact with hydrogen
Hydrogen atoms are extremely tiny and because of this property can even penetrate solid materials in a process known as permeation. Over time, pressure transmitters become inoperative due to this process. Their lifespan can however be optimized. In piezoresistive...
Pressure measurement of fuels – Material selection is decisive
Aggressive liquids and gases pose a particular challenge to the pressure-sensing technology employed. For this reason, sensors are required which can be flexibly adjusted to the particular requirements. With the ATM.1ST product series, you will always remain on the...
Minimizing pollutant emissions using pressure-sensing technology
Recall actions in the automobile industry have widespread consequences. Manufacturers have to contend with a huge image loss, as well as higher costs. Vehicle owners, on the other hand, react with anger and uncertainty. A particularly major stir has welled up over the...
Miniaturization, increased efficiency, reduced consumption: Mobile air conditioning using carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide has been recognized as a refrigerant for over 150 years now. The fact that it is only now gaining entry into mobile air conditioning is due to lawmaker-applied pressure for reducing greenhouse gases and also to improved technical capabilities. Pressure...
Mapping boost pressure on downsized turbo engines is the key to success
To meet ever tightening emissions legislation across the world OEMs are turning to downsized Spark Ignition engines. While these smaller engines consume less fuel and produce significantly lower emissions they require forced induction to deliver the performance...
Landing gear hydraulic pressure testing
Imagine, you’re a pilot in your own plane, cruising on a beautiful day. You line up your approach to the airstrip and flip the switch to actuate the hydraulics for the landing gear to deploy. Suddenly, a low pressure warning appears and the landing gear won’t deploy....
Pressure sensors in motorsport: Where a fraction of a horsepower is decisive
“The winner takes it all!” The world of motor racing is divided into winners and losers, with the successful driver enjoying the champagne shower. The preliminary outcome, however, takes place on the engine development test bed, with high-performance pressure sensors...
GDI engines come under pressure to reduce particulate emissions and improve performance
With some 40 million gasoline direct-injection (GDI) engines expected to be sold by 2025, it may be surprising to learn that these units emit more hazardous fine particulate matter than a port fuel-injected engine (PFI), or even the latest heavy-duty diesels equipped...
Pressure measurement technology in tire manufacturing
Every year, over one billion tires are manufactured worldwide. This sector thus counts among the biggest consumers of natural rubber. To give this natural material its correct shape and durability, high pressures and temperatures are necessary. No problem at all with...
MaP sensors are key to clean engine performance
In the face of ever tightening Global emissions regulations the motor industry has rapidly adopted clean technologies to reduce harmful Greenhouse gases. Critical to the operation of modern clean-burn engines is the precise control of air-fuel ratios (A/F) to...
Measuring the heartbeat of the IC engine
As a doctor measures blood pressure to determine the health of a patient, so too, the development engineer measures crankcase pressure to gain an insight into the condition of an engine on the test-bed. Not only does an increase in pressure provide an early indication...
As the “Cool War” hots up, so the pressure increases
Sustainable automotive air conditioning has been the subject of a heated debate over the past few years: The debate, nicknamed the “Cool War” has focused on the next-generation refrigerant to be used in car air conditioning. The Alliance for CO2 Solutions and its...
Braking systems work best under pressure
Although some high-end vehicles are moving away from hydraulically activated braking systems to hybrid brake-by-wire versions, most drivers still rely on hydraulic pressure to bring them to a stop. Even though vehicles have been equipped with hydraulic braking systems...
Automatic transmissions thrive under pressure
Although several attempts were made to design a transmission that selected gears automatically, it wasn’t until 1939 that the engineers at General Motors came up with a satisfactory solution; the device was called HydraMatic, and it was the first fully automatic...
Smoother than a Roller, better than a race car: Active suspension comes of age
Colin Chapman is regarded as an automotive visionary in racing circles: His two noteworthy achievements in the technological stratosphere known as Formula One racing, were the development of “Ground effects” and “Active suspension.” Both of which were subsequently...
It’s time to rethink engine cooling
All internal combustion engines experience significant energy “loss” due to the inefficient conversion of chemical energy into heat and subsequently, kinetic energy. Even a modern F1 engine is relatively wasteful when it comes to converting the power available from...
Accurate pressure measurement plays a vital role in the early days of automotive fuel cells
While Electric and hybrid EVs are firmly entrenched as maturing technologies much development is still needed in storing the electrical energy in a safe, convenient and cost effective manner. As a potential solution to expensive storage batteries most manufacturers...
The turbocharger succumbs to the pressures of energy conservation
For many years turbochargers were only found on expensive sports cars and diesel powered engines, but emissions regulations changed the way the world viewed forced induction. Although at the core was still the quest to improve performance, now manufacturers were...
Accurate pressure measurement is critical to safe, cost-effective, motor vehicle development
The principle of hydraulic power to carry out work has been around since ancient Egyptian times, but as systems have evolved, so too have the tools required to design and develop these sophisticated, often critical circuits.From the earliest manometer invented by...
Manufacturers are feeling the pressure
With emissions regulations set to ratchet up a notch in China, Europe and North America, manufacturers are hard-pressed to optimize every engine component and function to cost effectively meet the new demands. Although engines that are under development have always...
Bringing pressure to bear on the “camless” engine
Driven by draconian regulations calling for reduced exhaust gas emissions and improved fuel economy, manufacturers are spending a lot of time improving the combustion process: They’ve tried opening the inlet valves early (Referred to as the Miller Cycle), they’ve...
Measuring pressure keeps Li-ion batteries cool
We’ve all seen the video clips of laptops inexplicably bursting into flame, or read about the Chevy Volt that erupted in a blaze weeks after completing a crash-test: Known as ‘thermal runaway’ events, these occurrences in Lithium Ion batteries are not only spectacular...
Going electric steps up the pressure
As the world inches closer to ‘zero emissions,’ transportation engineers are under pressure to come up with creative ways to retain drivers’ confidence in the changing technologies. Take the hydraulic braking system for example: The current hydraulic system is nothing...
48 Volt electrification puts pressure on the engine’s cooling system
Set against the backdrop of the 2015 Paris Accord, which calls for an 80% reduction in Greenhouse Gasses by 2050, the automotive industry is fervently working towards ‘Zero Emissions’ vehicles. However, after more than a century, the internal combustion engine isn’t...
Research project DeichSCHUTZ: Reliable measurements for safer waterfronts
In extreme flood situations, the hopes of those people affected lie solely with the dykes - will they hold or not? A dyke failure like the 2013 flood in Fischbeck (Saxony-Anhalt) caused immense damage to inland areas, which continue to have an impact to this day. The...
Using geomorphometry for hydro-geomorphological analysis in a Mediterranean research catchment
Abstract The aim of the paper is to apply an object-based geomorphometric procedure to define the runoff contribution areas and support a hydro-geomorphological analysis on a 3-km2 Mediterranean research catchment (southern Italy).Daily and subhourly discharge and...
Reliable groundwater and surface water monitoring in Romania
A seamless control system with alarm function is required to perform precise water level measurements and to make reliable forecasts on potable water supply, as well as to anticipate floods. Together with its partner MDS Electric Srl, STS has implemented a...
Predicting natural hazards: Level measurement of glacial lakes
The glaciers of the Alps are in constant flux. After thawing in the spring and summer, lakes can appear whose levels have to be continuously monitored to detect floods at an early stage. Dependable pressure sensors, level sensors und data loggers are in need here.The...
Better defense against climatic anomalies using dependable level sensors
Over the past few years, Russia has been increasingly struggling with environmental disasters caused by extreme weather conditions. This has not only led to massive material damage, but has also cost human lives. An extensive structural program for better weather...
Renewable resources: energy storage in offshore applications
Renewable resources are becoming increasingly popular, onshore as well as in large offshore systems. However, there is one considerable problem that is currently restricting the growth of the market: all energy that is being produced, be it by harnessing the power of...
Polluted sites: Groundwater decontamination requires robust level sensors
Whether it be old landfills, coal tips, former military sites or refineries, what remains behind is contaminated ground, which is a danger to both humans and the environment. In the rehabilitation of these sites, level sensors are required which are resistant to the...
Correcting Water Level Data for Barometric Pressure Fluctuations
Piezometric surveys of Otavi karst aquifer - data analysis through barometric efficiency calculation The main concepts for identifying and removing barometric pressure effects in confined and unconfined aquifers are described. Although it is commonly known that...
Level loggers monitoring water levels in Venice
The Piazza San Marco will never flood: Level data loggers from STS are in use to continuously measure groundwater levels at the Piazza San Marco. These are particularly robust and are also suited for application in various scenarios. In 2003, the company of S.P.G....
Water in spite of drought
Water management experts at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have constructed a subterranean dam with an integrated hydroelectric plant inside a karst cavern on the Indonesian island of Java. The power station located 100m below ground now provides...
The force of water: Renewable energy from the seas
The idea of harnessing the force of the seas for energy generation is not a new one. The main challenge lies in developing efficient energy conversion systems that keep costs low whilst barely impacting the environment. A highly promising project termed REWEC3 has...
Hydrostatic level monitoring of tanks on piezoresistive basis
Hydrostatic pressure measurement is one of the most reliable and simplest methods for fill level monitoring in liquid-carrying tanks. In the following, we explain how hydrostatic level monitoring works and what users should consider here. In hydrostatic level...
Conductivity measurement in natural waters & other liquids
When measuring conductivity, various factors have to be taken into account, depending upon the liquid being tested. Particular attention is to be paid to temperature as the major influencing factor. Conductivity is expressed in microsiemens and indicates a substance's...
Hydrostatic pressure measurement with piezoresistive level sensors
Whether as a life-giver, a danger to life or simply a refreshment in summertime, the element of water determines daily life on earth in many ways. Because of its sheer importance, a reliable monitoring of this element becomes essential. What cannot be measured can...
Level monitoring for pump control in rainwater and wastewater tanks
Water supply and wastewater disposal vary according to local conditions. In Belgian buildings, many cellars are situated deeper than the sewage system. Wastewater disposal here must therefore be regulated by pumps.The Belgian company Pumptech provides home owners and...
Integration of piezoresistive measuring cells into existing applications
The core element of every pressure transmitter is the pressure measurement cell. With piezoresistive pressure transmitters, this equates essentially to the Wheatstone bridge measuring arrangement. The primary pressure measurement takes place here by way of...
Strain gauges in pressure measurement technology
Strain gauges are measuring devices that change their electrical resistance through mechanical deformation. They are used in a variety of measuring instruments, which, besides scales and load cells, also includes pressure sensors. Pressure sensors rely on several...
Mechanical simulation prior to demanding pressure measurement projects
Engineering methods and modern technologies enable manufacturers to design pressure transmitters to meet practical requirements. This is especially essential for demanding applications. The general conditions for the development of offshore oil fields are extremely...
Fouling as a cause of drift in pressure sensors
We all know the saying that ‘you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs’. In the development of new combustion engines specifically, this means that soot particles or oil residue can contaminate the sensors employed. The consequence of such soiling amounts to...
Vibrations: The pressure sensor is also affected
In virtually all applications where compressors, turbines and motors come into play, vibrations are to be found, which also affect measurement sensors. Without appropriate precautions, this can impair the functionality of the pressure transducers employed. The effects...
The fundamentals of hygienic pressure measurement
The requirements on pressure transmitters are particularly high in the foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals industries, as well as in the biotechnology and related industries (the packaging and filling industry, for example). In the following, we will describe what end...
Traceability in the calibration of pressure transmitters
Mechanical, chemical and thermal loads over time reduce the accuracy of a pressure transmitter. For this reason they should be regularly calibrated, and it is in this context that the term “traceable" plays an important role.The calibration of pressure transmitters...
High Accuracy Pressure Measurement at High Temperatures
In some applications, pressure transmitters have to work reliably when exposed to very high temperatures. Autoclaves used to sterilize equipment and supplies in the chemical and food industries are certainly one of these demanding applications. An autoclave is a...
Basics of flow measurement
The flow of a gas or liquid is measured for a variety of reasons, certainly including commercial considerations as part of a contract and also in various production processes. The flow or volume flow (volume/time) can be recorded, among other things, by the measured...
Pressure measurement: Compressible vs. incompressible media
There are many factors to consider when measuring pressure. Among these, of course, are the actual properties of the medium.One fundamental distinction is whether this is a compressible or incompressible medium. Compressible media are substances whose densities, and...
Electronic pressure measurement: Comparison of common measuring principles
Electronic pressure transmitters are used in a variety of applications, from machine technology to the manufacturing sector right through to the foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals industries. The recording of the physical size of pressure can take place via different...
Correctly interpreting accuracy values for pressure sensors
In the search for a suitable pressure transmitter, various factors will play a role. Whilst some applications require a particularly broad pressure range or an extended thermal stability, to others accuracy is decisive. The term “accuracy”, however, is defined by no...
Characteristic curve, hysteresis, measurement error: Terminology in pressure measurement technology
The first data sources for users of pressure measurement technology are often the data sheets supplied by the manufacturers. Of particular interest here is usually the accuracy data. In this context, a large number of terms appear whose comprehension is of great...
The physical values of pressure and the various forms of pressure
Besides temperature, pressure is one of the most frequently measured physical variables in industrial applications. There exist, however, different measurement units for, and different forms of, the pressure itself. In the following we will explain the basic...
Ensuring EMC When Installing Pressure Transmitters
The term electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) refers to the operation of electrical devices in an electromagnetic environment. Neither should the electromagnetic environment cause interferences in the device nor should the device cause interferences in said...
EMC of Analog and Digital Pressure Transmitters
Regarding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), the demands of the individual application are decisive: Although we live in the age of digitization, this does not mean that "digital" is always the best solution. This also applies to pressure transmitters. Analog...
Temperature compensation: The key to precision
When selecting the right pressure transducer, knowledge of the temperatures that may arise is of the utmost importance. If the measurement technology used is not adequately temperature-compensated, serious inaccuracies and other risks will be the net outcome. This is...
Calibration of pressure transmitters
Because of mechanical, chemical or thermal influences, the precision of a measuring device alters over the course of time. This aging process is normal and cannot be overlooked. It is therefore essential to recognize these alterations in good time by means of...
How pressure transmitters also work reliably in the cold
Ambient temperatures have a major influence on the functionality and accuracy of pressure transmitters, with Arctic temperatures representing a particular challenge here.In pressure measurement on a piezoresistive basis, semiconductors diffused onto a silicon membrane...
Grounding level sensors for protection from surges
When monitoring filling levels, make sure that the level sensors are sufficiently grounded in order to prevent serious damage. Should this be inadequate or absent altogether can lead to three serious effects. Because of insufficient potential equalization in...
Pressure measurement: Connections and seals
The pressure connection (also process connection) is the element via which the process medium is directed towards the pressure sensor. As with the seals, there are different variants here. As always, the requirements of the respective application determine the choice...
Thermal characteristics of piezoresistive pressure transmitters
Piezoresistive pressure transmitters excel in their sensitivity, which allows for measuring even the slightest of pressures. The materials employed, however, exhibit a rather high temperature dependence, which then has to be compensated for. The behavior of a...
The pressure response of piezoresistive pressure sensors
Piezoresistive pressure sensors stand out for their high sensitivity. Also in terms of precision and miniaturization, many advantages arise over other measurement instruments. In our knowledge article, we will be explaining the pressure response of piezoresistive...
The Long-Term Stability of Pressure Sensors
Factors such as temperature and mechanical stress can have negative effects on the long-term stability of pressure sensors. However, the effects can be minimized by diligent testing during production. Manufacturers usually indicate the long-term stability of their...
Installation of pressure sensors: The medium is decisive to positioning
Ideally, pressure transmitters are installed directly within the process to be monitored. If this is not possible, the process medium to be monitored will then decide upon the positioning of those sensors. There are various reasons why pressure transmitters cannot be...
Common errors in pressure measurement and how to correct them
Uncertain output signals, zero offsets or even the complete failure of the measuring instrument are symptoms that can quickly strain the nerves of users. The good news is that when the cause is correctly identified, these errors can often be easily corrected. In the...
Position can influence the accuracy of pressure transmitters
The accuracy of a pressure measurement can definitely be influenced by the position of the pressure transmitter. Particular attention to this should be paid in the low-pressure range. When it comes to position dependence, inaccuracies can occur if the position of the...
Pressure measurement in test & measurement applications demands a robust core technology
Whether on engine and transmission test beds, the monitoring of hydraulic systems, leak testing or the calibration of medical devices, users must be able to rely upon the precision of their pressure measurement technology.Reliable pressure measurement technology...
The right sealing solution for every application
In order to maintain the performance of piezoresistive pressure sensors and optimally protect them in harsh conditions, various sealing options should be taken into consideration. STS offers several solutions here, which are selected according to the given...
Media compatibility of piezoresistive pressure transmitters
In selecting the right pressure transmitter for individual applications, there are numerous criteria that must be considered besides the pressure range to be measured and the extant thermal conditions. Among these falls the subject of media compatibility: The housing...
Total error or accuracy?
The topic of precision is often the main consideration for end users when purchasing a pressure transmitter. A variety of terminology relevant to accuracy is involved, which we have previously explained here. Accuracy, however, is only a partial aspect of another...
How to select the right pressure sensor?
Extensive testing is essential in the development of new technology. To achieve reliable results, measurement instruments are required which precisely meet the requirements. We show you which factors play a role here.Pressure range An initial indicator in the search...
Pressure Sensors – Glossary of Terms
There is a multitude of terms that are commonly used in association with pressure management. These are referenced on the STS datasheets, included in our articles and used throughout the industry in general. While some may be familiar, others might need...
Pressure sensors with a current loop: What to consider in case of self-heating?
When pressure sensors equipped with a current loop are used, self-heating may occur due to their inherent design. This heat is produced when electric current flows through an electrical conductor or semiconductor. The effect of heat formation is based on Joule’s first...